Designing the Experience: Time, Space, and Love

Being inspired by the great movie Interstellar, graphic designer Hangi and I grouped together and delved into the intricate narratives of film through a reinterpretation. Our endeavor is to explore the essence and the structure of the story from a unique angle.  Our primary goal was to reimagine Interstellar, showcasing its themes from a new vantage point. Interstellar, our chosen film, presents a story of technology and human emotion through elements like robots, spaceships, the fifth dimension, the wormhole, family, humanity, time travel, outer space, etc. 


Cardboard, Acrylic Spray, iPad
10 in x 40 in x 72 in

Sculpture/Interface Design/Film

Wenbin Huang is a multidisciplinary visual designer and photographer based in Boston,
currently a second-year MFA graphic design student at Boston University.
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